It Goes By Too Fast, So Don’t Blink.

Before my daughter, Kate’s, high school graduation, a colleague asked if I found myself thinking back to early moments in her life wondering just how fast she had grown up.

I used to think the saying “it goes by too fast, so don’t blink” was the most overused statement from parents about watching their children grow up.

However, with time comes perspective, as I am now the guy finding himself saying it to others.

Kate is excited to move on to her next adventure, blazing her own path. Her mother and I are extremely proud of the woman she is becoming. As her parents, we both remember that thrilling time in our lives heading out beginning our own journey.

It is easy to believe that you will have young kids forever when you are going through the early stages of being a parent. Watching her graduate and prepare for college this fall is a reminder – that is simply not true.

This Sunday I wish all a Happy Father’s Day and if I could share a piece of advice: Do not take time with your children for granted, because it is true – it goes by too fast, so don’t blink.